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Palliative Care WA delivers a range of free, informative and interactive community education workshops to help people learn more about palliative care.

Palliative care:

  • helps people with any life-limiting or terminal condition to live their life as fully and as comfortably as possible. It is not just for people with cancer
  • identifies and treats symptoms, which may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social
  • provides practical and emotional support to family and carers.

To find out more about palliative care, visit our palliative care page

What is covered in our palliative care workshops?

Our in-person palliative care community workshops are one-hour long and cover:

  • What is palliative care?
  • Who provides palliative care?
  • Services and resources
  • Compassionate communities
  • Grief and loss
  • The role of advance care planning in palliative care.

These workshops complement the Advance Care Planning workshops that are available online and in person.

Our online community workshops, called PalliLEARN, cover:

  • What is palliative care?
  • What matters most to me?
  • Palliative care planning in five steps for informal carers
  • Your role in a compassionate community
  • How to have conversations about dying and grief
  • Self care.

How do I find a palliative care workshop?

To find out if one of our online or face-to-face workshops, go to our events page. Workshops are being added all the time, so check back regularly.

You can talk to us about partnering with us to host a face-to-face palliative care workshop for your community or organisation. It can be exclusively for your audience, or we can promote the workshop more widely and open it up to others in the general community. We come to you, and we can provide a customised workshop to suit your audiences.

What people are saying

‘Very informative – thank you’

‘Lots of information provided’

‘I learned that it’s not just “end of life”’

‘A great session’

Want more information?

If you would like to partner with us to host a palliative care workshop in your community, organisation or workplace, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on 1300 551 704 or